Sunday, February 18, 2007


Can be depressing, challenging and a time for growth. Let me just tell you that the deal with my shoulder is very challenging to me. I'm sick of talking about it I'm sick of dealing with it. Every morning I wake up and it's still there. For some reason this injury has pushed my limits. Most likely because I'm going to a cert in a month and in the last 3 weeks I've not seem a lot of improvement. It's a waiting game. I'm doing what I should be doing. Ice gentle stretching, rest...but it still hurts like hell. My bicep is tight and my triceps is tight. I have pain on and off all day. It makes you tired to have pain. The questions..will it ever get back to normal? Will I be able to do pull ups again? Rope climb? Ring work? Thrusters? Snatches? All my favorites.

I'm declaring right now...Yes. yes. yes!!! In time for the cert? I don't know. Now that drives me nuts.

I can workout with a weight vest on. I can do right arm snatches and Kb swings. I can pull tires and do L sits( I have no pain with these humm?) Back squats..yes. Pistols..yes. Air squats..yes. Jump rope..yes...ride my bike..yes. OHS, they give me a little pain so no right now but as long as it's not dynamic I think in time I will get back to them.

Saw the oh so insightful ortho today....he said yeah that hurts like hell. Your looking at six weeks or more. He said he had acute tendinitis and small tears. When he did it he just had to stop working out all together. Nope..can't do. I will be good but I have to move.


Jonathan Gilson said...


Have you looked into ART (active release therapy) or some sort of clinical massage?

I had huge shoulder problems that go away when the trigger points in my traps get worked on.

Just a thought...



aileen said...

jen i am a certified ART provider for the upper and lower extremities so let me know if you want my help.