Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Yesterday was my injection day. It was also the most pain free day I've had in a while. So my body is healing on it's own as well. It's just a very slow going deal. The injection went well. Doctor Yadao is Conservative in the amount she uses. She uses about 3cc's most use 10cc. I'm glad she's Conservative. It felt very strange. Like a water balloon in my shoulder. Today it feels kinda the same. After sleep my shoulder feels the worst. I forget what I've said in past post about what muscles where involved. Its my supraspinatous. From the MRI they cant tell if it's a little torn or Tendonitis. Anyhow I'm coming back. So watch out!!! My workouts have been alot of jump rope and squats. Then rotator cuff stuff with a pink dumbbell!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What: Old Town Alexandria’s First Elite Fitness Program; CrossFit Challenge

When : 6 and 7 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Starts February 26th, 2007

CrossFit Class is Held At
The Capital Jiu-Jitsu Academy
On the Second Floor of Jungle's Gym
305 Hooff's Run Drive
Alexandria, VA 22314

Instructor: Jerry Hill

Cost: Monthly Membership: $137-$197 One week trial: $7
Military/First Responder inquire about our special discount

To register: http://www2.blogger.com/ or by calling 267- 250-0835

Monday, February 19, 2007

WOD with one arm

Warm up

Jump rope on and off for 5 Min's

5 skin the cats on the rings. This does not bother my arm. I know it's strange. My issue is more in my bicep

Tabat squats 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest 8 sets. Your score is the lowest number in any one set.

My Score today was 18

With 40# weight vest

Tire pull to one end of the gym 10 KB swings with right arm only

Tire pull back push press with KB right arm only

4 rounds.

It was short and sweet. Just what I needed today.
The above picture is a CF'ers dream land. Remember to recycle use our trash to make cool stuff for working out!

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Can be depressing, challenging and a time for growth. Let me just tell you that the deal with my shoulder is very challenging to me. I'm sick of talking about it I'm sick of dealing with it. Every morning I wake up and it's still there. For some reason this injury has pushed my limits. Most likely because I'm going to a cert in a month and in the last 3 weeks I've not seem a lot of improvement. It's a waiting game. I'm doing what I should be doing. Ice gentle stretching, rest...but it still hurts like hell. My bicep is tight and my triceps is tight. I have pain on and off all day. It makes you tired to have pain. The questions..will it ever get back to normal? Will I be able to do pull ups again? Rope climb? Ring work? Thrusters? Snatches? All my favorites.

I'm declaring right now...Yes. yes. yes!!! In time for the cert? I don't know. Now that drives me nuts.

I can workout with a weight vest on. I can do right arm snatches and Kb swings. I can pull tires and do L sits( I have no pain with these humm?) Back squats..yes. Pistols..yes. Air squats..yes. Jump rope..yes...ride my bike..yes. OHS, they give me a little pain so no right now but as long as it's not dynamic I think in time I will get back to them.

Saw the oh so insightful ortho today....he said yeah that hurts like hell. Your looking at six weeks or more. He said he had acute tendinitis and small tears. When he did it he just had to stop working out all together. Nope..can't do. I will be good but I have to move.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

As you all know I do crossfit. As of about 3 weeks ago my body started to tell me it was taking to much of a beating. I did not listen....whats new?Anyhow. I've been doing the ice on ice on deal. Today I was like " come on Jen you're a crossfiter....ice like a CF'er!" So I went into the back yard and busted up some snow and ice. Put it in a bucket and filled the bathtub with cold water. Take a deep breath! In I go! I was yelling so loud the dogs ran off to hide! Four full body dips at about 15 seconds each. Then I would hang my whole arm in for as long as I could. Taking turns between arms and then legs. Can I do it again tomorrow? We will see. It was hella cold! Why buy ice when I have a whole back yard full of it. I can take the leaves and grass out of the tub when it's empty!!LOLOL!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Still nursing the shoulder. Ice and ice. For the next few days I'm trying the do as Little as possible with that arm. My knees feel good. So that's an up swing! When I get to work today it will be tabata knee to chins and tabata v ups. This will keep me moving give my knees more rest and off the arm. Maybe I'll even try some hollow rocks! OK, my ice is on and I'm out the door!

Monday, February 12, 2007

On my next day off it will be a roller day with the bike. How I miss riding right now. Spring will bring a new challenge of balance between riding and workingout. I do love the bike and the freedom I feel on it. AAAAH! The picture below is one of the best sprinters ever Mario Cipollini. Sprinting is a battle, elbows and heads smashing together while riding at 40 MPH or more. Now that sounds like fun to me! Mario never tested positive for drugs. This man has enough testosterone in his own chemistry! Not to mention every women that has ever met him wants him....yup me too! I miss Mario! The tour will never be the same!

WOD for me has been Ice and more Ice. Seems I have some patella tendentious in my knees and my shoulder is still painful. So I'm on the foam roller and doing yoga...my own kinda of yoga. I don't have pain in my shoulder while doing dead hang pull ups so I did do GTG yesterday. Also, I've been working on the windshield wiper. My shoulder hurts while doing any swinging so no jumping pull ups or snatches.
Today is a workday. I will do some foam
roller, stretch and work core stuff. Like l-sit and knee to chins to warm up. Then ice.
ICE, ICE baby!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Have you every believe something so strongly that you would bet your life on it? What I mean is, that your conviction ran so deeply that you would chance being "cast out" by friends and family?At one point in my life I did. In my teens I became a Born again Christian. My life at the time was not so hot at home, lets leave it at that. Two local families took me under their wings. Somehow I ended up going to church with them. The short of a very long story is that I became a die hard believer. You don't know me too well, so let me tell you this. If I set my mind on something I take it on. Whole hearted and devoted. As I've gotten older I've found more of a balance with this part of me. But anyway.... So yes I was a Jesus loving crazy on fire Christian. Not only did I study the bible I taught old testament. Then I became a missionary and went to Africa. After that I moved to Miami and taught more old testament. While I was there I preached in a very Evangelical way.Then life started to flow together in my mind. I began to look at all the different people around me. My friends in Africa, who were Muslims or just tribe people. In Miami I became friends with people of all different ways of life.My mind started to change. It was hard at first because that meant I had to be OK with being wrong. Making a change after stating so proudly and strong that this was the right and only way.At this I was again cast out by all the people I loved as family. Yet I could not go on one more second saying that I believed when I found I was unable to believe in a God that discriminated. My point in telling you this is not about religion or faith. This was a time where I was not concerned with the reaction I would get. It just had to be done. I made a loud statement in what I believed and now I had to stand up and say...ya know what....I might be wrong. Whew! It was a humble time for me. The reaction was crazy to say the lest. At the time I was a youth group leader and a missionary at my church. They took this as a sign of weakness. Of loss of faith and of sin. One of my most dear friends told me that I would be going to hell for being gay and for denouncing Christ. The point? I hope I would be that brave again to say that I'm wrong to be open to new thinking and new ways. That as I age and get more set in my ways I find it within to be flexible with my convictions, not weak just flexible.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I'm sick of the cold weather!

Today's WOD
Row 6k for time
My time was 29 min's. It was hard! Emmie and I did the row together, it makes a huge difference to workout with others! I don't row enough! What a way to come out of a 4 day rest period! Today I got a Massage in hopes that it will help my shoulder. Which is still giving me issues. As of today it still hurts to do jumping pullups. It does feel better after the massage. I wish I could afford to get another one in a few days since I do thing it speeds healing.
Oh well.
Oh yeah...I"M GOING TO THE CROSSFIT CERT!!!!!! It will be in NC on March 17th and 18th! I can't wait!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Crossfits "Fran" was today's WOD for me.

Of Thrusters with 45# bar
Pullups which had to be Deadhang do to my shoulder. Other assistance was a band on my right foot. It was still Hella hard!
8 mins and 36 seconds.

Overall right now I'm feeling kinda sore and tired. My pushups are sucking because my arms are beat and my legs are still recovering from Sunday and Tuesday. My recovery is much slower in the winter, not sure why but it is.