Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm sure most people missed these but I did not.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Lot's going on at Potomac Crossfit which makes it hard for me to post. I've been having shoulder issues both left and right so my focus has been getting them back to normal.
I have been using the KB to get overhead with TGU's and Windmills. With these movements I get weight overhead with out pain. Also, I've been working the KB one handed high pull to get some pull into my life.
What do you do to keep your joints happy?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Our Potomac Kettlebell Workshop is filling fast and space is limited. If you haven’t signed up already I highly suggest that you do so quickly. We can’t guarantee your space.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

So I'm a CrossFit junky, you got a problem with that? I'll meet you in the alley and we can "talk" about it.

Recently someone asked me "Who are the Glassmans?" The look on my face I'm sure was priceless.
My answer was along the lines of well they're the two people who started CrossFit and who are also married(the unspoken thought was....what the fuck do you mean who are the Glassmans?!)

What would I say now that I've had time to think about it the question "Who are the Glassmans?"

Two people who invest their lives to making CrossFit better and to reach and teach people what "Fitness" really is.

Other then that, they seem from my far off view like two people who are good hearted and down to earth and that I'm proud to say run CrossFit. Which is a very large part of my life. Athletic science, political opinions aside these are two people who are doing more for "fitness' then most of us can understand.
Some people love them, and some people love to argue with them and take them on...have at it!

I stand behind them! Which is not saying I agree with all they say and do. I do agree with their focus and their intent.

Why this post? Who knows or understands the things that run through my head? It's my blog and it was something I was thinking about.

We all have opinions and ideas....we don't all agree. Does that make us enemies? It really shouldn't

I am a CrossFit junky!

I'm not kissing ass I'm stating the facts about people in my community. CrossFit is a communtiy which supplies way more then fitness to a lot of people. Me being one of them.

What I'm bad at:



Left armed KB snatches


BB snatches

Butt wink in my Squats

L-pull ups

Double unders

Handstand push ups
But the only movement I hate..hate..hate is the Sumo Deadlift High pulls.....just hate them! All the rest I love but I just suck at!
Anyone care to add to the list or add a thought?

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Today is the first day that I've slept past 4am in over a week! If I'm not getting up to head into the "Box" for foundations or the WOD I'm heading into the ER for a shift. I'm doing OK overall.
Sleep is one of the most important elements to my health and fitness so I make sure that I do what I need to do to get it.

1. Go to bed early....really early. One night I was in bed by 8pm.

2. Afternoon naps

Really it helps to just make it a priority and many may think it strange but just lay down and let your body and mind rest....what else could be more important?

The Above photo is from the Gym Cert I just attended....did I have a good time?? Take a guess!