Thursday, June 18, 2009

pareletts L-holds 5 mins total
Two rounds of 10 parelett push-ups
10 Shoulder dislocates

3,3,3 Snatch presses
3,3,3 push press
3,3,3 Press

My shoulders are weak and sore. After today they need a few days to recover. My overall goal is to just build back my strength. I'm aiming for 2 metcons a week and one heavy day. It all depends on my recovery from each WOD.

Monday, June 15, 2009

It's been a long time buy I'm back!

I've not blogged in a long while. Over the past few months the amount of change in my life has limited my time to blog but to be honest words were not coming to me and I was stuck.
So todays update is, I now live in Watertown, CT and work at Crossfit Watertown. Which is owned by Lis Darsh.
I'm still finding my place here day to day trying to make it my home. I miss my friends in the DC area soooo much but that's life right?!?!?
I'm here following a dream and making life a adventure, I'm not alone on this adventure and that's also exciting.
So don't run away on me....I'll be posting Crossfit, diet and other funky shit as much as I can!